What is GLD Australia?

GLD Australia is a national not-for-profit online learning community and support group responding to the needs of intellectually gifted learners with disability (GLD) in mainstream settings in all sectors. Through the sharing of information, research and personal experiences, GLD Australia members seek to provide support for GLD children and adults, and for those who care for, teach and advocate for them.

Formed in 2012, GLD Australia is an independent community with a member-owned and member-operated closed and non-archived online discussion group. It is affiliated with the Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted & Talented (AAEGT www.aaegt.net.au). GLD Australia has no political or commercial affiliations.

Why was GLD Australia formed?

Parents and teachers sometimes assume that all clever children, having supposedly won the genetic lottery, will invariably enjoy school, learn effortlessly, and succeed academically. Sadly, this is not always the case. Every day some gifted children are silently coping with an unidentified disability which affects their learning, academic success, and general wellbeing.

Children need not be actually failing at school to be struggling with a disability which affects learning – many are not identified until late primary or early high school. A surprising number of intellectually gifted children experience chronic underachievement due to disability – and usually, the higher the IQ, the later an accurate diagnosis is made. By then, for some gifted students, it may already be too late.

Who joins GLD Australia?

Members of GLD Australia include parents, educators and other professionals interested in promoting awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by GLD people, thereby assisting them to benefit from specialised identification and intervention or treatment as early as possible. Members participate in the learning community as individuals and support one another without commercial interest.

What kinds of issues are discussed by GLD Australia?

At both face-to-face meetings and on the Google online group, members discuss issues such as:  interpreting IQ assessments, raising and teaching GLD children and teens, liaising with schools  and teachers, choosing a private psychologist or other professional, choosing remedial intervention  programs,  avoiding  scams  and  non-evidence-based  solutions,  obtaining  disability  adjustments for classroom activities and for State exams and other tests, as well as a wide  variety of ‘invisible’ disabilities, such as specific learning disorders, as well as ADHD and autism.